Wednesday, July 17, 2013


The monsoon is here, first batch of grapes, some almonds, and the pumpkin patch is in.
My second favorite time of year is here, the monsoon, even though it's hotter than hell out, and the humidity is cranking up this is my second favorite time of year next to spring is upon us. Every day we have the possibility of some great and possibly dangerous storms rolling through, the valley averages 3 inches of rain during monsoon season. So the lid is off of my rain barrel and every evening I sit in the backyard watching the clouds rolling in. This weekend I'm planting a monsoon garden.
I harvested my Red Flame Seedless Grapes.
Not bad at all, they taste great and you can tell by the picture the chickens will mug you for them.
I also harvested my almonds.
Not bad either except they're a bitch to shuck and crack. The raw almonds taste great and I got about 40 almonds which is 39 more than last year. On a side note my pumpkin and Bisbee Red Cowpeas were planted this weekend and the monsoon garden is going in next weekend.