Tragedy struck 2 days ago when I found my favorite chicken Munatee dead. The heat of the summer was just to much for her. Munatee was brought into my flock by my brother Jacob, he wanted chickens but couldn't keep them at his place. So when I bought my chicks I told him he could by his own chicken and keep it at my house. He soon showed up with an Americauna chick and named it Muntee. As Munatee got older and turned into a hen she developed a real funny character. This was strange to me because I've always thought chickens were pretty much just dumb ole chickens. Muntee's name was soon changed to Munatee because of her huge appetite, she reminded me of the giant sea cows called Manatees. Munatee never missed a meal and was always the first one to the diner plate and last one to leave. Whenever the chicken feeder was empty she would run around the yard squawking as loud as she could until the feeder was filled back up. At a family bbq she snuck up on my sister, ambushed her and took a cheese quesadilla out of hands. All I heard was my sis screaming and then I saw Munatee running through the crowd of people with the quesadilla in her beak. She stole a pulled pork sandwich from my mom at another family bbq. I know these stories sound like some rogue chicken running amok stealing peoples food, and they are, but Munatee has been a part of some of the funniest backyard moments around here and she will be greatly missed. I don't know if you can tell from the writing above but at one point Munatee became mine and she soon became my favorite pet. Munatee was my best laying hen even at almost 4 years old she still would lay one green egg a day. I buried her in the yard with rest of deceased pets.
Aaron and Munatee avatar.
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