Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Forward Operating Base Munatee

Our new flock is doing well, so well they have out grown their space on our kitchen table. The best scenario would be to put them in the coop in the backyard but my 2 older hens just want to beat the crap out of the new girls. On top of that there's a neighborhood cat that could make quick work of the new chicks. So I need to get them outside but they need to be protected. Building a new full size coop is wastefull (space and material) plus they will all integrate together as soon as every body is the same size. I need a beach head so I built Forward Operating Base Munatee (FOB Munatee) named after the greatest chicken to ever walk the backyard. The coop is modular, built out of 4 panels and held together by 4 screws. FOB Munatee is tough and provides enough room for our new girls and introduces them to their new world. When the girls are done in the new coop I'll take the 4 screws holding it together out and put the panels behind the shed.
FOB Munatee includes shading, duck bathing, a roosting pole, and fresh piece of yard everyday. The coop is light enough to move around to different parts of the yard everyday.
We still bring them in every night but sun up to sun down they're living in the yard (the house smells much better). On a really funny note, once I put the chicks up, the ducks walk across the yard and come inside the house on there own looking for their buds, and one of the chicks thinks it's a duck, she still hasn't figured out how to swim, but keeps on trying. Keep trying Baby Red. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Summer update

It's been awhile since I've posted so here's a quick run down of how summer went.
These guys destroyed my tomatillo plants. Three striped potato beetles.
3 striped potato beetle larvae. By the time I figured out how to kill them they had eaten all my tomatillos. An application of bt will kill the larvae.
I'm starting to harvest my black eyed pea crop.
Glass gem corn I'm harvesting.
Raising our new girls has become a full time job and ducks are stinky.
Finally check out my new pile of mulch I scored it from some landscaper friends of mine it's 4 cubic yards of shredded mesquite. This will be the winter of mulch.
Finally Finally the monsoon ended on 9/30/13 and we ended up with just over 3 inches of rain for the season not bad for livin in a desert.