The title of this newest blog was going to be damn it's hot!!! But thanks to a dumb accident it's Think Safety! I've also harvested some more fruits and veggies and planted a couple of summer veggie plots.
Garden is in full bloom all the hollyhocks and sunflowers are volunteers, the sunflowers are naturally shading the garden quite well.
Tomatoes are producing big time, I'm getting this many every three days the majority are little, like super sweet 100, and juliet, the medium size tomatoes, that are doing well, are glacier, and silver fir tree, the better boys have produced a few monster tomatoes, and prudens purple is a no show, all they do is grow tall lanky plants with no fruit. So far we've made this
spaghetti sauce, a simple pico de gallo, and a mixture of diced tomatoes, creamy italion dressing, and parmesan cheese which is a great chilled summer salad. We've also been putting tomatoes on everthing under the sun, sandwiches, eggs, or just eating them raw. I fear the looming tomato apocalypse, where there are no more tomatoes and we have to go back to buying those crappy store bought things they call a tomato.
Here's the garlic harvest hanging and drying in the shade of the porch. This year I decided to go hardcore with garlic since we use it all the time, I ordered some gourmet garlic and planted a nice big bed of them all in one place and got some decent results, but I noticed the garlic in the giant bed didn't get as big as the heads I randomly planted around the garden. It turns out garlic is slightly
allelopathic.Which means they produce a chemical which slightly inhibits the growth of the plants around them, who new? So next year I'll spread them out and see how they do.
Still getting some fresh peaches Desert Gold Peach.
I planted 2 summer veggie beds, that I amended all of the soil with
compost pile omega. I planted some tomatillos that I grew from seed, and also dug up some volunteers that showed up from last years tomatillo patch, cowpeas(black eyed peas), pole beans, sunflowers,basil, chiltepines ,and tepary beans .
Finally a note on safety do you see the red part on the right side of my finger, do you see how it's flat and not round, that's because I lobbed the tip of my finger off while slicing a roast up yesterday with my meat slicer making
italion beef.
The sandwiches were great once I pulled part of my finger out of them. The lesson here is a little bit of inattentiveness caused an accident, that's how most accidents are caused. 90% of accidents are caused by not paying attention, which is what happened here. As I was explaining to my by boss this morning, why I was having a hard time getting some simple tasks completed, he told me a least I was deli slicing the meat and not cutting it into 1/2 inch slices. Bottom line pay attention to what you're doing, driving, running a wood chipper, swinging a pick, climbing a ladder, or slicing up Sunday dinner on your meat slicer.
OUCH!!! This blog post was typed completely using only one hand.